Thank you to all my subscribers! I do not post too often because I stay pretty busy between mommying, writing, and being involved on the activist side. I recently wrote up an article on sex-trafficking and submitted it to Clamoring For Change website and an in-depth critique on Exodus Cry’s Documentary, which I will be relaying in a new post. But to get to the EXCITING news! CLEAN TEEN PUBLISHING has officially extended an offer of publishing for my anti-trafficking dystopian: THE AVIARY! I am very excited for the opportunity to work with them since I love their authors. It may be an indie press, but they still do good work. My favorite living author is currently with them: Lauren Nicolle Taylor.

The Aviary has darker tones than Ruby in the Rough trilogy and you can find out more about it on The Aviary page. The major theme of The Aviary deals with the struggle of identity in this decadent yet hyper-sexualized world. I will hopefully post more updates down the road about The Aviary’s progress. The goal is for a release date of January, 2019 for Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Thank you and be sure to check out my latest blog post about the Liberated Documentary!