Lightning Rods vs Candles in Boxes


Inspired by Britt Nicole ft. Lecrae’s “Ready or Not”
(Song lyrics in quotations)

“I tried to cover my shine. I tried staying in the lines…”
I could never do it.
They told me I needed a backup. They told me it’s just a hobby. Major in something credible, reputable. Do writing on the side. But God tattooed the word “writer” on my heart. He gets the last say. And so do I.
I’m a writer.

“I don’t want to hide. No, not tonight.”
They said to not write about vampires. They’re evil. They’re horror. On the front porch with tears running down my cheeks, I asked my future husband what he believed was right. One question: What did God say? C.S. Lewis wrote about aliens and demons and witches. Emily Bronte wrote about ghosts.
God said I could go into dark places. Write more than fantasy, challenge myself, and that he can use anything.
Now, I’ve written vampires, zombies, aliens, abortion, love, sex, intimacy, drugs, totalitarian societies, curses, mythology, ghosts, and most importantly…human trafficking.

“You want me to take my light and fit it in your box right. I want you to look me in the eye.”
You say: that’s too dark. I say: your box is darker.
We’re not meant to be candles shining in lonely boxes. We’re not meant to live comfortable lives. We’re not meant to be perfect. We’re meant to be HUMAN. We’re meant to love what God loves and hate what he hates. Not just like and dislike. It’s in the darkness that light can truly shine brightest. I love those who have fallen so hard because they’ve risen up. Because the love of God shines all over them. Because they can be real and let their lights shine because they know what it’s like to taste true darkness. Unashamed, they look me in the eye. They’ve shown me the beauty in their scars. And they acknowledge mine.

“Give everything to see the lost get found…”
He calls us to rescue the captives. To seek justice, to love mercy, to walk humbly with our God. We were all slaves once. But we’ve been adopted. This fight belongs to us.

“I refuse to keep this buried deep inside of me. It’s everything I am. The source of all my hope. It’s the reason why I stand.”
He told me: you’re precious, you’re priceless, you’re worthy, you’re valuable, you’re my princess, you’re my daughter. I AM your ABBA.

“I pledge allegiance to being somebody real. There’s no more holding it back. I’m showing them how I feel.”
He said: My MAP for your life. Mother/Author/Preventionist all intertwined. So, I’m not turning off who I am. It’s not about everyday living; it’s about the right living; it’s about the GOD-living.

“Cause love is more than a word, it’s a noun and a verb and hiding it is absurd.”
He said: they are MY daughters, too.

“Ready or not, here I come. I’m about to show you where the light comes from.”
He is the source of all light. He said you’re not meant to be a candle in a box. He said: you’re meant to be a LIGHTNING ROD. My lightning rod. It’s not about the light you can generate in the box you’ve contrived. It’s about the radiance of my glory going to where I’ve called you. So, hold your lightning rod high and let MY light shine.