Muse of Nightmares Review

Like its forerunner, Muse of Nightmares is similar to the rest of Laini Taylor’s books in one MAJOR way: its spellbinding!

I could almost say “I have no words”, but that would make me a crappy reviewer. Suffice to say, no amount of words could adequately express what Taylor’s books do to me: emotional havoc, inner turmoil. If only I could have telepathically turned pages before my fingers.

Because I’m a mom of littles, it took me at least a couple weeks to finish reading this. That’s fast for me these days. If I could have, I’d have taken a retreat to devour it in one day!

Laini Taylor’s arm must have the ability to extend through the pages – or screen for some of us – of her books, phase through my flesh and bones, and wrap her hand around my heart. When reading MON, I found my heart could only beat to the rhythm she deigned and sometimes…not beat. You can imagine her squeezing slowly during certain passages as I frantically turned pages. She downright flambéed that fickle muscle with the journey I took on Nova and Kora’s story. These, at first, seemingly minor characters were but the spider silk that make up the complex and entrancing web that is MON. Despite how much I fell in love with book one, Strange, the Dreamer, this one captivated me even more.

I’ve been a secret fan of Laini’s for years and never thought I would find something else to rival her Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I love how she tipped her hat in reference to Karou in Muse of Nightmares. Well played, Laini. Her lyrical prose, her attention to world building details, her unique and relatable characters, her ability to script-weave themes of abuse and trauma and it’s damage that manifests in the form of rage or prejudice…all are downright earth shattering.

I was literally waiting for this book for well over a year. And now, is as the norm for her work, I’m in the book hangover phase and must pass into the mourning period because this was a recent release, and I must wait until she’s published a new book. All I can do is beg and plead for her to write…RIGHT now! Laini will forever and for always be in my top three favorite authors of all time.

P.s. I took the character quiz for Strange, the Dreamer and got Minya. Who will you get??? –