Paid For Review

Rachel provides so much expertise and insight into the world of prostitution even for someone who has been an advocate for years. I can’t even imagine how difficult it was for her to recount everything she did in this hard-hitting memoir. Every chapter was so meaningful in conveying the truth about prostitution. It guts one to the core but in a powerful change-your-mind, change-your-perception, change-your-heart sort of way. If there is one survivor book out there that I could recommend to people, it would be Moran’s. No avenue of prostitution is omitted for dissection and this memoir combats the myths and offers knowledge and a glimpse into the trauma and experiences behind each one, whether call-girl, street-walker, porn star, massage parlor girl, escort in hotels, bdsm, and more. Rachel delves into the emotional, the psychological, and even the spiritual and does not leave people merely winded and without power but offers the well-worked strategies and solutions to combat the prostitution sphere that multiple countries have adopted. She cuts through the bias, the dogma, the hatred, the stereotypes, and the myths with the sharp effectiveness of a katana and offers you the true humanity of the prostituted woman and why each and every one of us should strive to join this battle against the sex industry. It doesn’t necessarily take a strong person to read her book. It merely takes one who is open to understanding. One who is open to exploring the valuable information based on real-life accounts, both personal and closely-witnessed and experienced and researched. No stone is left untouched and thank God for that. Thank God for Paid For. Thank God for Rachel and her testimony before the world.