Top Ten Favorite FILMS!

Now, it’s getting real! These are the films I can watch over and over again. And since I’m an audio visual learner, I can truthfully say I have some of these memorized. At any time, I can quote a handful of these. At the risk of sounding like a cheesy bank tagline, what’s in YOUR favorite film wallet?


Without a doubt, The Princess Bride will forever be my favorite film. The first non-animated movie I can track back to my childhood because it’s clean for kids and has something in it for everyone. Inconceivable, right? Yes, I can quote this one by heart.


I’m grouping these as one because it’s my list and I can do what I want. Full disclosure: I can quote the first and much of the second but not the third. These are the classics of my generation. The ones I donned my elven outfits for and waited in line for the midnight showings. These were OUR Star Wars films, folks. Plus, Tolkien will always rock my world. Those books do things to me…


My greatest film regret will always be not seeing this in the theater. I find Moana to be the most empowering female that Disney has ever released. There is seriously nothing not to love about Moana. She loves her family and her family loves her *BOTH parents still alive WHAT!* and she has a kooky grandmother for a mentor. Moana sees past what’s on the surface to the true worth inside those around her. She is confident, driven, and manages to save the day and get out of tough situations all by herself. This Disney maybe-princess definitely doesn’t need a man. And she’s got an awesome voice!


For those who don’t know – though I don’t know why you wouldn’t – I’m a total Disney nut. There’s a reason why Zootopia won an Oscar. I love how I can go back to this film, laugh at every funny scene, and always pick up on something new. This world is so developed! And I love the underlying themes of overcoming prejudice. Three cheers!


Again, did I mention animated film nut? Now, it’s Disney. Didn’t used to be. Wow! I still remember watching this in the theater. Went through a big Anastasia phase. I still have it memorized. Seriously, for a nineties film, the animation is artistic and superb! Get a load of the cast and all the classic talents from Christopher Lloyd to Meg Ryan to Angela Lansbury. The heroine isn’t looking for love but for family and you get a bit of history – albeit loosely based – thrown in. Hauntingly beautiful!


So, I am a bit of an Esther nut. The book of Esther plays out like a fairy tale. No one can argue it has all the tropes: fair maiden, powerful king, power-hungry bad guy, wise old man/mentor to fair maiden. I love to imagine this is the true story of Esther, this is what happened. It delves into some of the underlying history but also explores the relationship between Esther and the king (fyi: they really did have one night together and he loved her so much, he made her Queen THAT night!) Who knows if it was that way or not? But either way, Tiffany Dupont shines in this role of Esther.


Totally a film I can watch over and over again and I have. Truth be told: Indiana Jones is my favorite Ford role. And this is my favorite of the three. Come on! The humor in this is unparalleled. “Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky!” “Tickets please…No ticket!” “Fly, yes. Land, no!” And one of my all-time favorite quotes delivered by Connery: “It tells me that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try *reading* books instead of *burning* them!”


Slapstick humor to the extreme! Tony Curtis. Jack Lemming. Natalie Wood. New York to Paris car race. ‘Nuff said!


Two scenes: that Will Smith one, oh yes…people, you know the one I mean. “I coulda been at a barbecue.” And that speech…yum, can we all agree that it’s the best film President speech? “We will not go quietly into the night!” We will not vanish without a fight!” Okay, Air Force One speech right up there, too.


It’s a film about William Wilberforce and the abolition of the slave trade. AND it has a young Cumberbatch in it! Cumberbatch. “As your prime minister, I urge you to use caution.” Gruffud, “And as my friend?” Cumberbatch. “Oh, to hell with caution.” This film was so inspiring to me that I wrote a poem about it. I don’t write poetry that often, but my poem went on to win a couple awards, so that’s pretty cool!

Honorable Mention:

I love Marvel movies. My favorite film genre if you couldn’t guess by the choices above is action adventure. No better action movies than Marvel superheroes. And this is my favorite. I also love the most recent Spidey film and Captain America: Civil War. And something about this…the honor of T’Challa, the beauty and wonder of Wakanda, the empowering female roles, the inspiring message that should make all of us pause for just a moment…