Top Twenty Memes About Author Life

So, I originally began this post with Top Ten Memes, but I honestly couldn’t stop at ten. Sure, these may just be my personal favorite. My personal top twenty. I fully believe in the healing power of memeing…even if it’s a method of procrastination from writing itself. Since it goes on my blog, I can still gain some measure of accomplishment from it!

I invoke the 3. Those who are insane and they don’t try to hide it. *takes a bow*

Ahh, so this is what my English professors meant when they talked about becoming one with your book.

At our best, writers are lazy, fragile, chaotic, misunderstood artists.

And we would much rather escape to the worlds we create and hang out with our imaginary friends…even if they plot to kill us.

Pretty sure whoever made this pie chart did years worth of research.

Look, I can’t force you to learn shorthand, but it’s either that or just tolerate a lot of typos with voice to text. Because if I have to edit anything other than my books…

Hey, you asked.

Why do we torture our characters? Because at the heart of every story is this: give your characters something they want and will do anything in their power to get. And then, do everything in your power to make sure they do NOT get it!

Sure, I was going to say we write about our inner demons from our past, present, and future. But it’s Goldberg, and she just turned me into a witch with wordscript magic leaving my body in the form of flying runes, so…

They forgot about the world’s deadliest poisons. And baby yoda memes.

They are forming a mob inside your head and building pyre and creating a thousand voodoo dolls in your likeness.
It’s not that misery loves company. It’s just that we take great pride in our tortured souls.

Normally, I meme the great Benedict Cumberbatch for the emotional landscape of a writer, but nothing beats Rapunzel.

Rule #1.

If a writer comes back to you with a new revision, burn the old one and send it to the deepest circle of hell. No peeking. Hey!

That’s why you need to read the most recent revision. We didn’t open our veins and bleed on paper for nothing.

And yes, we occasionally summon a demon. And by the time, Luci gets around to retrieving said demon, we’ve tamed it and turned it into our pet poltergeist.

Or we just wing it till we bring it, fake it till we make it, fool it till we rule it, and you get the idea.

Come on, you didn’t think I was going to miss out on a vampire writing meme, did you?

What’s in a name? Um…Hamlet, Macbeth, Propsero, Othello, Portia, Romeo and Juliet, anyone? Shakespeare, you hypocritcal bastard!

Right before the angry writer angrily chucked her angry notebook at the wall…which got angry in return.

(Oh, come on, why don’t we toss in a few extra?)

“We are the music-makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.” *sniffle* Thank you, Willy. Oh and I’m a writer and that means I hate and love it…as much as I hate and love myself. Dammit, Gandalf!

‘Nuff said. Nuff memed.

Mwahahaha…it will never be enough!